Each year Airscene asks its visitors to choose their favourites from the UK airshow scene. The top 3 nominations in each category are then shortlisted for a further round of voting in order to determine the best in each category.
This years votes have now been counted and counted again and the winners can now be announced…
Yeovilton Air Day won Best Airshow this year, closely followed by RAF Cosford Airshow in 2nd place and Royal International Air Tattoo in 3rd place. RIAT has now appeared in the top 3 for the 3rd consecutive year.
The Best FREE Airshow category has in previous years seen a bit of southcoast rivalry going on between Bournemouth and Eastbourne with Eastbourne taking the crown every time (last year receiving 65% of the votes). This year see’s Eastbourne remain in the top 3 but rather robustly put in its place by Bournemouth Air Festival who have been voted Best FREE Airshow this year.
The feedback from voters praising Bournemouth’s efforts show that they have raised their game, as Amanda Lawrence from Bournemouth states “We have been to every show since it began & it just improves year after year! (Weather permitting!)“
Laura Edwards says
“Bournemouth air show is the best free air show I have ever been to.
Bournemouth organises this event and promotes it well too. They ensure everyone is safe and having fun.
The traffic is well organised, sign posted etc and the council even make sure there is not a spot of litter the morning after each day on the beach. Bournemouth free air show deserves to win!”
And it did Laura! Whilst the weather clearly has a big part to play, these comments serve to show it is the dedication and hardwork of the teams behind these events which keep them in the top 3.
Sunderland Air Show came 2nd whilst Eastbourne held on in 3rd place.
No Contest in the Best Display Team category with the Red Arrows scooping the majority of the votes for the 3rd year running. The Blades made a bit of a dent in the Red’s popularity and placed 2nd but there can be no doubts that the Red Arrows are firmly rooted in the public’s affections.
Runner Up last year, the RAF Chinook had a close run battle this year with Vulcan XH558, and secured 1st place as Best Solo Display by a margin of only 21 votes. Airscene loves the Vulcan but is not surprised by the Chinook taking first place – the display just keeps on evolving with pirhouettes, pedal turns and nose down quick stops… All that is left to say is Wokka Wokka Wokka…
Finally… RAF Museum Cosford have beaten IWM Duxford to be crowned Best Aviation Museum 2013 by just 9 votes! Cosford also won this category in 2011, however were the only museum nominated that year. 3rd place went to the Fleet Air Arm Museum who scooped 30% of the votes – all in all a very tight category this year.
A full breakdown of the voting can be seen at: www.airscene.co.uk/airscene-awards-2013.php
Thankyou to the teams behind the Airshows, Museums and Displays Teams for educating and entertaining us over the last 12 months.
And Thankyou to all who voted this year, and for giving a little something back in recognition of the hard work and dedication of all those shortlisted.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Great 2014!
(Photo credit: BBC News)