Museum Scoops Top Award for Second Year

Yorkshire Air Museum is proud to announce that it has won the prestigious Yorkshire in Bloom Silver Gilt Award for the second year running.The Museum’s Memorial Gardens and the 20 acre parkland site at Elvington met the high standards in areas such as “Floral Displays; Permanent Landscaping; Environmental Factors and Public Awareness”.

Of particular interest to the judges was the Museum’s recent recycling project which has been supported by DEFRA. Waste from the restaurant and gardens is recycled in a huge stainless steel Swedish machine called “Big Hannah”. The resulting high quality fertilizer is then put back onto the gardens resulting in high quality floral displays.

A new feature this year is a butterfly garden which is connected to a new breeding area set up with the Butterfly and Moth Conservancy. The new area is planned to have walkways and hides for visitors to enjoy and learn about natures earliest “flyers”.

Museum Director, Ian Reed, said, “Our gardens and grounds are our pride and joy and the rose gardens particularly, which are lovingly tended by our volunteer gardener, Walter Eland, are enjoyed by tens of thousands of visitors each year. This award is a recognition of the hours of dedicated work by all our staff at this very special place.”

POTY2008 – Theme 8 – Aerobatics

Theme 8 “aerobatics” is closed and all results are now in. This was a pretty tight affair at the top with the top 3 just a single point away from each other. Scooping this months prize is competition newcomer Chris Harris with 28 points, second with 27 is Darren Chaplin, and my personal favourite of the month came 3rd with 26 points courtesy of Ian Schofield. Chris wins a Pee Wee Pixel Pocker Rocket courtesy of Snapperstuff.A few changes again on the leaderboard as Simon Thomas and gergely Grosz continue their tussle for position only for Dean Feltimo to sneak in behind and position himself in 2nd place. So the leaderboard now looks like this with 2 themes to go:

Neil Darby – 147 points

Dean Feltimo – 136 points

Gergely Grosz – 129 points

Simon Thomas – 117 points

Theme 9 “The Jet Age” is Septembers theme, and another Pee Wee Pixel Pocket Rocket is up for grabs this month. So if you have any photos of jets that you have taken and want to cause more upset for the leaders, send in your entry and see how you get on. Note that your entry must not have been taken any earlier than January 1st 2007. Good Luck, and I look forward to receiving your entries.