POTY2008 – Theme 5 – Civil Aviation

Summer is finally here, and the airshow season is well and truly under way. I’ll try not to waffle on too much, so you can all get back out on those patio’s and soak up this year’s sunshine allocation.

Theme 5 “Civil Aviation” proved to be another difficult theme to judge, with each of the 3 judges choosing a different image as their personal favourite. Tim Knifton came into this competition very early and flooded me with entries for the first 8 themes in about a week or so. A disappointing set of results across the first 4 themes kept Tim right at the bottom of the results table, until this month when he managed to grab 26 points and first place with his entry.

Malcolm Casson managed came in 2nd with 25 points pushing himself up towards the leaders, and Stefan Pankow netted 23 points for 3rd place with his only entry in the competition to date.

The leaderboard has barely changed over the last few months and currently stands as follows:

Neil Darby 104 points

Gergely Grosz 90 points

Simon Thomas 84 points

This can all change, and there are still plenty of contenders for the prize positions as we are only half way through with up to 180 points still up for grabs over the next 5 themes. What’s more I have been given permission to give away 3 more free advertising prizes on the Uradnet aviation banner network, so I shall be coupling these with Showcase prizes on Airscene to make 3 runners up places.

This months theme is “In Control”, and is gonna be tough due to the number of possible interpretations. If you think you are good enough – get your entry in and have a crack.

Good Luck.
