Exclusive Bandstand Seating on Sale Now

Visitors are being invited to book early to guarantee the best views of the flying displays at Airbourne: Eastbourne International Airshow with exclusive seating on sale now at Eastbourne Bandstand.This summer the town’s iconic seafront landmark is offering visitors the chance to book their own seat for the day and enjoy uninterrupted views of the flying line as a packed programme of displays perform in the seafront skies.

Airbourne returns to Eastbourne seafront from 11-14 August and with exclusive seating always popular with the hundreds of thousands of visitors, airshow enthusiasts are being encouraged to book quickly for the best seats on the seafront.

Eastbourne Borough Council Cabinet Member for Tourism, Cllr Neil Stanley said “Exclusive seating at Eastbourne Bandstand is a fantastic way for visitors to settle down for the day and take in the magnificent flying displays overhead. With lots to take in on the ground too, visitors can return to the Bandstand throughout the day knowing they have their own seat go to back to. I’m sure the exclusive seating will prove a hit again this year, especially with such a packed four days of flying coming up in August!”

Airbourne visitors can book now for exclusive seating for just £12 per adult or £7 per child for the day and choose from the promenade deck or upper balcony.

This year visitors will also have the opportunity to enjoy the exclusive seating into the evening with the Bandstand opening on the Sunday evening with the chance to watch the spectacular firework finale from the historic venue. Visitors should keep checking the Bandstand website for more details and how to book tickets.

For more information on Airbourne 2011, including the flying line up which will be announced later this week, go to www.eastbourneairshow.com or call 0871 663 0031. Exclusive seating can be booked online from www.eastbournebandstand.co.uk or by calling 01323 410611.

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