New Director General Appointed

The Royal Air Force Museum Trustees are pleased to announce that Air Vice-Marshal Peter Dye OBE has been selected as the Director General, Royal Air Force Museum with effect from 9th June 2010.

Peter Dye is the current Director Collections and Deputy Director General. He has been Acting Director General since 1st February.

Prior to joining the Museum, Peter served in the Royal Air Force for over 35 years. With a degree in aeronautical engineering from Imperial College, he has more than 20 years experience of frontline operations, including the maintenance and support of numerous aircraft types ranging from the Victor and Vulcan to the Jaguar and Tornado. He was awarded the OBE for his achievements in support of the Jaguar Force during the Gulf War.

His grandfather and father both served in the Royal Air Force during the First and Second World Wars respectively, imbuing him with a deep affection for the Service and a passion for its people, achievements and traditions. This has been reflected in his writing on aviation history and, in 2004, his successful efforts to erect a memorial at St-Omer to those members of the British Air Services who had served in France and Belgium during the Great War. He is currently studying for a part-time PhD, at Birmingham University, on the Royal Flying Corps.

Air Vice-Marshal Dye says:

“Since joining the Museum I have been hugely impressed by the enthusiasm and dedication of its staff and their many impressive achievements in the face of considerable challenges. I am delighted to be able to lead the Museum as it builds on these successes and to have the opportunity to work with its many friends and supporters in creating an exciting and innovative future”