On March 15th, we are delighted to announce that Dr. Fiona Spiers, Head of the Heritage Lottery Fund, Yorkshire and the Humber will open the new “Gas Bags to Super Zeppelins” exhibition at the Yorkshire Air Museum. The opening will take place at 13:00pm and media are invited to attend. The Museum’s Eastchurch Kitten WWI bi-plane, designed as a ‘Zeppelin killer’, will be fired up to enhance the ceremony, along with the SE5a WWI fighter.
The Yorkshire Air Museum received £10 000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) through its First World War: then and now programme, in support of a new exhibition which focuses on the development of the first airships and particularly their use during the First World War.
The exhibition tracks the development of lighter-than-air aviation from the balloons of the Montgolfier Brothers of 1783, to the super-sized airships of the late 1930’s. During the First World War, Schütte-Lanz and Zeppelin airships (taking the name from Count (Graf) Ferdinand von Zeppelin, the pioneer of German airships), were used to bomb the civilian population of Britain from the air for the first time in history, bringing terror from the sky. It shows the shock effects of this new type of warfare had on the people at that time. It also traces the post-war development of “Super Zeppelins” and their British equivalents, which were the largest of them all, culminating with the tragic and horrifying disasters as a result of the use of highly flammable hydrogen gas.
Through diary entries, audio recordings, video footage, photographs and original artefacts, “Gas Bags to Super Zeppelins” relates the memories and heritage of the people who lived through the First World War.
Commenting on the award, Museum Director Ian Reed said: “We are thrilled to have received the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund. The airship raids, which started, following the outbreak of war, in 1914 over Belgium and France, had the biggest impact on society than at any time before or since. British families had not experienced invasion for almost 1000 years. On 19 January 1915, the German Zeppelins delivered the first air attacks on Britain of the First World War. Without warning, British people were suddenly on the Front Line and defenceless. Thanks to National Lottery players, we have been able to bring to life existing records of people’s memories and experiences to tell the story of the ‘Wonder Ship’ of the First World War and also brought previously untold stories relevant to the Yorkshire Region. Our exhibition ‘Gas Bags to Super Zeppelins’ explores the social impact of the threat, the attacks and their repercussions as well as the desperate race to find a technological solution to defend our homes from aerial attack during the First World War.