2025 Events at East Midlands Aeropark

East Midlands Aeropark

During the year the Aeropark holds a number of events where subject to availability we open up the cockpits of our aircraft in order that visitors can view the inside and in certain of the aircraft actually have the opportunity to get inside the aircraft and/or cockpits.

The late evening opening events will also see some of our aircraft lit up for the chance of a great photo opportunity and to also view movements at the airport later in the day including possible movement of cargo aircraft.

17th – 21st April – Extended Easter Weekend Opening

11th May – Speedbroker Super Cars

22nd May – Late Evening Opening

6th June – Aston Martin Enthusiasts

31st July – Late Evening Opening

21st August – Late Evening Opening

18th September – Late Evening Opening

To find out more: www.eastmidlandsaeropark.org/aeropark-events.html