Product designers beware… Boeing wants you grounded

It is with a sense of dismay that Airscene has received a notice from Zazzle about an alleged intellectual property rights infringement.

Zazzle have so far refused to provide the requested information relating to what the actual infringement was, as the image concerned was one of my own. When asked why Boeing would ask for a single mousemat Showing a Boeing aircraft and with the name Boeing in the descriptive title about the product, Zazzle again made no response, however have now removed all products from their website which carries an image of a Boeing (well at least the 747) – apologies to all those who have also had their products removed!

Zazzle’s response….

Zazzle Boeing notice

Now if anyone has the email address for Boeing’s legal representative… I for one would love to find out what this is all about. Zazzle kept me on hold and refused to connect me to the Content Management Team. Do feel free to share this article – it might force a response from someone.