Sywell Aviation Museum Book & Model Appeal

Sywell Aviation Museum

After the success of the Sywell Aviation Museum book and model sale earlier this year, the Museum is actively seeking the donation of more items to help raise funds to restore its 1969 Handley Page Jetstream aircraft into a classroom. If we can collect enough then we hope to hold another sale later this year or early next.

If you have any surplus second hand military/aviation books, diecast models, model kits or accessories you would be able to donate we would love to hear from you (we can collect).

Based at Sywell Aerodrome, the Museum is free to enter and relies on donations to survive. It remains open each weekend and bank holiday until the end of September between 1030-1630hrs and each Tuesday and Wednesday 1200-1600. Also we are actively recruiting new members so if you are interested please get in touch.

For more information please email or call 07968061708.