The RAF Museum is over run with Pokémon Go characters and facilities!
The RAF Museum is known for its legendary aircraft collection but alongside these iconic exhibits it now houses 6 Pokéstops, a Gym and numerous characters from the game that has taken over the world!
Say’s Kevin Carter, Head of Digital Experience: “My kids are gamers and they popped in to the Museum last week and were excited about the huge number Pokémon characters on site. Since then we have noticed a number of visitors playing the game here. As a free Museum with free wifi, they are most welcome!”
Visitors to the RAF Museum are able to use our FREE WIFI facilities to help them catch characters like Hypno, Drowzee, Spearow and many more!
The Museum has a Gym by the replica aircraft in the car park. We also have a total of 6 Pokestops, which usually placed on locations of interest or tourist spots. These are popular destinations for players as they deliver items such as Pokeballs (to catch other pokemon), Potions and Revives (to heal or revive a fainted Pokémon) and are very important to the game.
Chocks away for visitors with smart phones!