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not often I get a lie in on airshow days but with Farnborough
just three quarters of an hour away from me I hit the snooze
button at 5:45am and eventually got going around 6, all sorted
and off I arrived in a very traffic free Farnborough at 07:15
and was directed to the car park in Aldershot and one free shuttle
bus later was into the showground by 07:30
forecast rain was still hanging around but would clear to give
a very hot and humid day, so plenty of fluids were the order
of the day. Buying food and drinks from the on the site vendors
were excessively pricey and I would recommend taking as much
as you can carry in your kit bag from a cheaper alternative
before you set off to shows like this, I honestly felt I had
just been legally mugged by the trader in question. |


international air show begins with the trade week where deals
and buisness relationships are forged from countries around
the globe, I have no statistics to hand as I was working my
usual job during the trade week which left me only Saturday
to attend, though I had heard figures of £472bn at some
point during the week. Figures quoted like this are a reasonable
indicator that things may be on the up in the aviation buisness
world and can only be good news for attendances from “exotics”
in the airshow circuit next year (I'm ever the optimist!)


trip down the flightline to check things out and there were
some stunning static displays comprising of to name but a few
F15, Black Hawk Helicopter, AV8B Harrier II, Breaitling Super
Constellation, F16, A380, A400M, Vulcan XH558, Merlin, and TAI/AgustaWestland
T129 attack helicopter of the Turkish Air Force. Eventually
after what seemed like an eternal walk I arrived at the Vulcan
Village and met Jo Ayres for a quick photo of her good self
with the Cold War era XH558 Vulcan Bomber, Jo is one of the
hard working team who help keep XH558 where she belongs, as
one of the team of individual fundraisers for Vulcan South Central
Jo is kept busy with attending fund raising events both at air
shows and other events within the region encompassed by Vulcan
South Central. I bought a couple of nice Polo shirts while there
and the quality is very good indeed.

my way back and parked up on static was Spitfire MJ627 (9GP)
looking every part the elegant concourse thoroughbred with D-Day
markings with the Canadian Maple Leaf symbol denoting its country
of service, this example was built in Castle Bromwich and entered
service with 441 Sqn of the Royal Canadian Air Force in September
1944. Further down I noticed one of the stalls had two gentlemen
from the RAF in World War 2 signing “The Bomber Command
Memorial” Book published by Fighting High Ltd , I asked
if I could take a photo for Airscene and they very kindly obliged,
these ex Lancaster Bomber servicemen are Dave Fellowes (Royal
Air Force Air Gunner) and George Dunn DFC (Royal Air Force Pilot).


flying display began with the Gloster Meteor and De Havilland
Vampire, even though it turned out to be a very hot day, its
a shame the sun wasn't out properly for this duo. Breitlings
own Wingwalkers strutted their smoke-on aerobatic finesse with
a superb display from the 4 ship of Stearman in the vivid photogenic
orange and white livery emblazoned with the sponsors logo. Next
up were the “Great War Display Team”, one of those
displays where numerous WW1 era aircraft are choreographed into
several tail chases and 1 to 1 air combat scenarios, this I
enjoyed watching with both eyes instead of through a viewfinder
as I was eating a tasty cheeseburger at the time.


group sent the “heavies” up in the shape of the
A380 and the A400M, the A380 display from this Leviathan demonstrated
the outright agility and grace that has wowed the crowds since
its first public appearance at Farnborough, this was followed
on with the A400M, this particular example had marks on the
wings which looked like paint but I am not too sure what it
was, it just made it look like it had been round the block a
few times, and as a demonstrator I expect it has. Nonetheless
it was an exceptional display from the RAF's future heavy lifter
which we will soon have in RAF markings. |


Aerostars put on a fantastic performance in the Yak aerobatic
trainer aircraft with some tight, precise and smoke laden routines
which even captivated the interest of hardened fast jet fans
sat near to me. As usual when XH558 moves, the crowd jumps to
its feet and today was no exception, the former cold war bomber
has a seemingly growing fan base who I suspect come to the show
just to witness this spectacle and probably moreso with the
possibility that she may not be on the airshow circuit for too
long, though I hope that is not the case as i am also a big
fan of the Vulcan since I saw one land at my local airport as
a boy. |
Jeffries in the Extra 330SC put on an adrenaline fuelled show
with fast spins and full throtlle exitement which at times made
me feel as though as was in there with him! I was exhausted
just watching the punishing flight envelope from his no holds
barred routine. Strangely the Super Hornet display seemed slow,
far and very wide compared to the previous display, though it
clearly was anything but slow, it just seemed that way after
watching the Extra being pushed so hard if that make any sense. |
one show item every one was itching to see today was that of
the new Lockheed Martin F35 Lightning 2, not to be as we all
know now, however there was a AV8B Harrier II from the Spanish
Navy, the ground attack VSTOL aircraft that is the second generation
of the jump jet, I was as were so many others extremely pleased
to see this and so were many others at the show, cameras jumped
into burst mode filling buffers with aplomb for every pass and
exceeding the buffer when the Harrier was hovering. What would
have made this even better was if we the UK who invented the
airframe actually had one flying as well, something very wrong
there. But kudos to Spain for sending it.
Midair Squdadron's Canberra PR9 wore the blue skies around it
like a stylish overcoat as she made her prescence felt with
the reverberating sound of the English Electric powerplants
resonating of the various buildings, a delight to see, a and
a delight to hear. The Red Arrows always appeal to the crowds
and today's display was made better for hearing the commands
from inside the cockpit as the leader calls out the choreographed
moves that put on such a scintillating spectacle, I must put
those frequencies in my scanner to hear that again at the next
show. This was followed by a couple of flypasts by the Breitling
Super Constellation, a trio of DC 3 Dakotas and Noel Rees in
the 29(R) Squadron Typhoon Fgr4, a superb display from Noel
closing the show on the saturday with the specially marked example. |
out of the show to find the bus for the car park had been comparativley
easy in previous years, but there seemed to be something of
a big delay this time around, with no real structure to any
form of queueing for the buses it soon turned into a free for
all, I was parked at the furthest car park in Aldershot as directed
by the signs and had to patiently wait for almost an hour to
get the bus, why the organisers didn't fill Queens Parade car
park first as in years before is a mystery to me, when this
car park was used most of the attendees simply walked to this
one rather than put more pressure on the bus queue, I have done
it myself and would have prefered that option again. A minor
niggle really but should be re-instated as the primary car park
for future shows.
was a well balanced show with the right mix of stands and statics
on show, but it should be kept in mind that some traders were
in my mind unreasonably hiking up the prices which would mean
a very expensive day out for the average family. All in all
I would say that FIAS pretty much had it bang on with the right
mix of old and new, fast and relaxed flying, it was a very enjoyable
experience. Finally I would like to offer sincere thanks to
all at Farnborough for the media pass to such a prestigious
event in the aviation calendar, and also to Miranda Rock in
the media department for her organisation in the media area(s).
Looking forward to seeing what FIAS2016 has in store. |