Untitled Document
RIAT DVD Competition


YOU could win a copy of the official Royal International Air Tattoo 2018 Official Souvenir DVD, worth £25



The Air Tattoo has teamed up with Airscene to offer readers the chance to win one of three DVD’s celebrating the thrill of the Air Tattoo and Royal Air Force’s centenary in high-definition. (UK only)

To be in with a chance of winning, all you have to do is answer the following question:

Q. What was the focus of this year’s Royal International Air Tattoo?

Send your entries to DVD@airscene.co.uk. The deadline for entries is midday 19th November 2018. Please include your name and address.

3 winners drawn from the correct entries received were:

Rod Rodwell, Adam Hodson and Karen Shortland

Well Done!


Stay up to date with competition news @ www.Facebook.com/Airscene and www.Twitter.com/Airscene