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the verge of starting big school, Dunsfold WIngs & Wheels
celebrated it's 10th year in style this August bank holiday
weekend, with a unique WW2 formation and crowds exceeding 40,00
over the 2 day event.
& Wheels is certainly maturing and developing it's own personality,
and is fast becoming an Airscene favourite with it's relaxed
mix of air display, ww2 re-enactments and of course all manner
of motor vehicles at the now famous home of Top Gear. |

year's display kicked off with a high energy workout from the
RAF Chinook, which by all accounts reminds us of Samo Hung -
the fat guy sidekick of Jackie Chan who flips and somersaults
around kicking bad guy's butt's... it doesn't seem as if it
should be possible but it produces some of the best helicopter
ballet one is ever likely to see. The 2014 display was no exception
and if anything actually manages to improve year on year, and
very much appreciated by it's audience. |
up was the B25 Mitchell, which I missed last year (on the sunday)
as it withdrew from the display after reporting undercarriage
problems. Peter Kuypers had the Mitchell's engines positively
growling with a few low passes and wingovers - a cracking display
disappointingly, as Peter managed to put Andrew Dixon's C-47
routine in the shade somewhat. I heard (and I agree with) many
comments on how great the C-47 is to watch flying, sure it isn't
a Lancaster but for many it still gives a warm fuzzy feeling
inside. Perhaps the greatest testament to the C-47's pulling
power came earlier in the year when hundreds of fans waited
almost 5 hours just to see 7 of them take off from Lee-on-Solent
airfield (lasting all of 7 minutes) before flying over to France
for the Anniversary of D-Day Remembrance. |
a full aerobatic display by Dan Arlett in the Jet Provost, we
were treated to a scintillating display of barnstorming by the
Tiger Club Turbulent Team with commentary by Brendan O'Brien
- flour bombing, balloon bursting and limbo flying... great
fun to watch and even better with Brendan's excited exposition
making me feel like I was watching It's a Knockout".
up was the Tiger Parachute Display Team, who after touching
down lined up on the grass for ex paratrooper and legend Bernard
Cribbens to take their salute. |


is golden... for a minute or two at least you could hear a pin
drop at Dunsfold as two very distinctive shapes loomed over
the horizon. This didnt last long though as the sound of 8 Merlin
engines thundered down the display line much to the appreciation
of the waiting crowds. The joint BBMF and Canadian Warplane
Heritage Museum flypast was surely the main draw at Dunsfold
this year - a sight that is unlikely ever to be repeated in
UK airspace so certainly a sight to be remember for all of us
too young to remember WW2 itself. |
Lancasters took part in a unique balbo organised by the Dunsfold
team which also comprised of the BBMF Spitfire and Hurricane,
the ealier mentioned C-47 and B25 and two of my favourites for
the day - the Old Flying Machine Company's Spitfire and Mustang...
was great to see the return of perhaps the best warbird display
team after being absent from Dunsfold in 2013, and we were treated
to an incredible flying display - two cracking solo displays
for sure, but the noise is something else when these two fly
in formation. The low and fast flypasts really does give you
goosebumps as Alister Kay and Steve Jones gave skilfully demonstrated
the art of tight formation flying, unfortunately for me there
just weren''t enough flypasts for me to try and capture a full
circle prop blur this year - Ggrrr next year then! |
items on the schedule included the Gnat Display Team, The Breitling
Wingwalkers, The Great War Display Team and the Apache. Of course
Vulcan XH558 put in an appearance, initially flying in formation
with the Gnat Display Team, and yup the Vulcan did look like
a giant fly swat (poor Chris Heames must have been sweating
a bit leading the formation). Unfortunately the Vulcan solo
display this year seemed to be a bit sedate this year, and was
the one part of this show which actually managed to bore me
- apparently it was better on the sunday.
personal main highlight was the classic jets of Midair Squadron's
Hawker Hunter and BAC Canberra PR9, starting with a very close
formation routine and then splitting off for two solo routines.
Both the formation and the solo's were flying perfection, but
it was the howl coming from the Canberra's Avon engines which
had me going - certainly a joy to behold.
a family day out featuring cars, planes and military vehicles
- Dunsfold is hard to top. Dunsfold is situated in the middle
of the Surrey countryside and like other nameless airshows
suffers because of the B roads surrounding it. I am not sure
what can be done about the traffic situation at the end of
the show, but consideration could be given to opening the
gates earlier - doing this would tend to spread the arrival
of vehicles out a bit further and result in less queues on
the roads.
this, Dunsfold continue to be creative and really did pull
another rabbit out of the hat this year with the Lancaster
duo and the unique formation flypast. With a sell out on sunday
(and pretty close on saturday too) Wings & Wheels delivered
two great days of family entertainment. Dunsfold still has
room to grow and will do as long as Jamie's team can keep
the fresh idea's coming. Do book your tickets early for next
year, or you will be disappointed!
by Airscene